Inspiration Gala

If you would like to volunteer for the Inspiration Gala event or serve on a committee, please contact Elizabeth Pulley.
Inspiration Gala 2024

General Tim Griffin and his wife, Elizabeth Griffin. Little Rock, AR (May 30, 2024) - Children’s Advocacy Centers of Arkansas’ (CACar) 2024 Inspiration Gala, once known as the Woman of Inspiration event, will take place on October 10, 2024, at the Statehouse Convention Center in Little Rock.

CACar is a nonprofit organization that is a chapter of the National Children’s Alliance operating in Arkansas for the purpose of promoting, assisting and supporting the development, growth and continuation of child advocacy centers. Almost 10,000 child victims and their non-offending family members are served annually by child advocacy centers throughout Arkansas.

The Inspiration Gala honors those who have invested significant time to improving the lives of children. It also serves as CACar’s most prominent annual fundraising event.

“For many years, we have specifically honored women who have been intimately involved in bringing awareness to the child abuse problem that is unfortunately prevalent in our society,” said Elizabeth Pulley, executive director of CACar. “But we know that there are many Arkansans who advocate on behalf of child victims of abuse, and we want to recognize the powerful network of advocates we have across our state.”

The 2024 Inspiration Gala honorees are Arkansas Attorney General Tim Griffin and his wife, Elizabeth Griffin.

As a federal prosecutor, member of Congress and now as Arkansas Attorney General, Tim Griffin has aggressively prosecuted those who have abused or have threatened the well-being of children and has passed laws to strengthen legal protections for children.

Elizabeth Griffin has served on the Arkansas board of The Call, a nonprofit organization that mobilizes local churches to provide foster care services for children.

“Not all heroes wear capes. Some wear suits and work on behalf of children at the highest levels of law and politics,” Pulley said. “Such is the case with the Griffin family, and we look forward to honoring them for their efforts and hope to encourage others to get involved.”

The Inspiration Gala’s 2024 Blue Ribbon Award recipient will be Jennifer Long, who is executive director of the Children’s Protection Center in Little Rock. This award honors those who have been impacted by abuse and are now advocates for child abuse prevention.

Woman of Inspiration 2023

First Lady Susan Hutchinson Little Rock, AR - Children’s Advocacy Centers of Arkansas (CACAR) will honor Danyelle Musselman with the 2023 Arkansas Woman of Inspiration Award at its annual Woman of Inspiration fundraising dinner on October 23, 2023, at the Statehouse Convention Center in Little Rock.

“Danyelle has long been an influential advocate for children and those in need. We are thankful that she has agreed to use her platform to bring awareness to child abuse and neglect in Arkansas,” said Elizabeth Pulley, CACAR Executive Director.
“She is a worthy recipient of this award and is truly an inspiration. Danyelle is no stranger to breaking barriers professionally and can help CACAR break through in our efforts to educate Arkansas about the unfortunate realities of child abuse and neglect.”

The Woman of Inspiration dinner represents CACAR’s largest annual fundraising event, which honors a woman who has devoted significant time to improving the lives of children. Proceeds support Child Advocacy Centers (CACs) in Arkansas that provide free services to abused and neglected children and their non-offending family members. Last year, more than 10,000 children were served by CACs across the state.

The presenting sponsor for the 2023 event is the Willard and Pat Walker Foundation, a philanthropic organization established in 1986 by Arkansas Women’s Hall of Fame member Pat Walker and her husband Willard, a longtime Walmart executive. The event’s co-chairs are NBA champion and former University of Arkansas basketball player Joe Kleine and his wife and business partner, Dana.

Jordyn Wieber

The Blue Ribbon Award will also be presented at the 2023 Woman of Inspiration event. This award goes to an adult who has been affected by the trauma of abuse and is now sharing their story to bring awareness to the problem of child abuse and neglect. The 2023 Blue Ribbon Award will be presented to Allie Graves, a senior at Ouachita Baptist University. Allie served as Miss Texas’ Outstanding Teen in 2019 and 2020. An advocate, vocalist and speaker, Allie aims to use her gifts to minister to those who’ve been abused.

In addition to the awards presentation, the event will feature a runway fashion show presented by Little Rock boutique BARBARA/JEAN. For sponsorship information, visit

For sponsorship and ticket information, visit www.arwomanofinspiration.org or email arwomanofinspiration@gmail.com.

Woman of Inspiration 2022

First Lady Susan Hutchinson Little Rock, AR - Children’s Advocacy Centers of Arkansas (CACAR) will honor Arkansas First Lady Susan Hutchinson with a Lifetime Achievement Award at its annual Woman of Inspiration gala on October 28 at the Statehouse Convention Center in Little Rock.

“The commitment of our First Lady to the development of child advocacy centers has had a life-changing impact on thousands of children,” said Elizabeth Pulley, CACAR Executive Director. “In less than 4 years, we have grown to 30 locations and more than doubled the number of children we serve, making it possible for more children to have access to free services to help recover from trauma caused by abuse. We thank Mrs. Hutchinson for helping bring hope and healing to children and families, and we look forward to honoring her at our event.”

The Woman of Inspiration dinner represents CACAR’s largest annual fundraising event, which honors a woman who has devoted significant time to improving the lives of children. Proceeds support Child Advocacy Centers (CACs) in Arkansas that provide free services to abused and neglected children and their non-offending family members. Last year, more than 11,000 children were served by CACs.

Jordyn Wieber, Olympic gold medalist and head coach of the University of Arkansas Women’s Gymnastics program, will also be honored during the event. She will receive the CACAR’s Blue Ribbon Award for her work in bringing awareness to the problem of child abuse.

Jordyn Wieber A member of the “Fierce Five” U.S. Gymnastics team that won a gold medal at the 2012 Olympic Games in London, Wieber was a victim of sexual abuse at the hands of a USA Gymnastics team doctor. Her brave decision to testify about her experience was key in bringing her abuser to justice. Today, Wieber is a vocal advocate for child abuse survivors everywhere.

In addition to the awards presentation, the event will feature a TOCCIN NY runway fashion show presented by Little Rock boutique BARBARA/JEAN.

For sponsorship and ticket information, visit www.arwomanofinspiration.org or email arwomanofinspiration@gmail.com.

Woman of Inspiration 2021
Mrs. Gene Jones Little Rock, AR - Children’s Advocacy Centers of Arkansas (CACAR) will honor Arkansas native Gene Jones of Danville, AR, as the 2021 Arkansas Woman of Inspiration at its annual fundraising dinner on October 6 at the Statehouse Convention Center in Little Rock.

Gene Jones, wife of Dallas Cowboys owner, Jerry Jones, has dedicated her time and talent to improving the lives of others through her philanthropic work. She has contributed greatly in establishing the Hope Lodge. She is a member along with her husband of the Salvation Army’s Dallas County Board and National Advisory Board. The Gene and Jerry Jones Family Center for Children was opened in November of 1998, offering a variety of special programs for children in need. She is also a member of the board of trustees for the Children’s Medical Center of Dallas.

“Mrs. Jones has a long legacy of serving children in need through her philanthropic work,” said Elizabeth Pulley, CACAR Executive Director. “We are thrilled to recognize her commitment and support of our important mission to help our state’s children recover from abuse.”

The Woman of Inspiration dinner represents CACAR’s largest fundraising event, which honors a woman who has devoted significant time to improving the lives of children. The year’s event is chaired by Sarah Beth Lowe and Kerry Moody. Honorary Event Chair is Arkansas First Lady Susan Hutchinson, the 2015 Woman of Inspiration recipient.

Event proceeds support 17 Child Advocacy Center (CAC) locations across Arkansas that provide free services to abused and neglected children statewide. In 2020, more than 10,000 children were served by CACs.

The dinner also features a TOCCIN NY runway fashion show presented by Little Rock boutique BARBARA/JEAN.

Wade Knox Children's Advocacy Center CACar is thrilled to announce the Blue Ribbon Award winner is Wade Knox Children's Advocacy Center. WKCAC, led by Director Karen James, plays a unique role in bringing their community together. We are excited to tell their story and share the work of this incredible team at the 2021 Woman of Inspiration Event on Oct. 6, 2021

For sponsorship and ticket information, visit www.arwomanofinspiration.org or email arwomanofinspiration@gmail.com.

Woman of Inspiration 2019
Donna Malone May 15th, 2019 - The Children’s Advocacy Centers of Arkansas is incredibly proud to announce Mrs. Donna Malone as our 2019 Woman of Inspiration. Working closely with her husband, Senator Percy Malone, Donna has been instrumental in calling attention to loopholes in laws in Arkansas that failed to protect children from incest. With her help, Arkansas became the second state in the nation to close these loopholes and label all incest as rape. Donna worked with Dr. Jerry Jones, his staff and dr. Karen Farst to understand the way maltreated children in Arkansas were treated once the disclosed abuse. With their help she identified the need the state legislative task force. Sharing this big idea with her husband, Senator Percy Malone, he established the Legislative Task Force on Abused and Neglected Children. Donna guided all aspects of their research from mandated reporters, the child abuse hot line, the civil and criminal courts, ad litem attorneys for children, CACD investigations methods, the role of DHS, foster family care and adoption procedures and the role of the judicial system. She brought forward the Child Advocacy Center model and pushed for state money to support the establishment and continued funding of Child Advocacy Centers in Arkansas. Senator Malone was able to pass a 1% state tax on beer that raised $3.5 million at the time to support the mission. Donna has brought experts from around the country to talk to the task force and worked closely with Dr. Terry Kramer to develop Trauma Based Cognitive Behavior Therapy training. Training therapists to treat trauma in children of all ages, and has urged the Psychiatric Research Institute to take on the treatment of women over eighteen.

Victor Vieth, Executive Director of the National Child Protection Training Center has said of her, “Donna Malone has been tireless in pursuing anyone who worked directly with children in need and anyone one who had an idea on how to help them. Donna Malone brought all of these ideas, indeed the very voices of these children directly to the heart of Percy Malone. And the senator responded with deep feeling.” Many things have changed as a result of her commitment to the abused and neglected children of Arkansas. We are deeply thankful for her passion, her work and her partnership. The Woman of Inspiration event honoring Donna Malone will take place on Friday, October 25, 2019. The funds from this event are distributed to Children’s Advocacy Centers throughout Arkansas to support the important work of helping abused and neglected children find healing in the wake of trauma. Children’s Advocacy Centers of Arkansas has 17 center and 5 satellites serving the 75 counties of the state. All services at those centers are provided free of cost to the victim and their non-offending caregivers.

The Blue Ribbon Award will also be presented at the Woman of Inspiration event. This award is given to an adult who has been affected by the trauma of abuse and is willing to share his or her experiences in order to bring awareness to the problem of child abuse and neglect.Shayla Copas The 2019 Blue Ribbon Award will be presented to Shayla Copas, national award-winning designer, speaker, author, brand ambassador, and philanthropist Shayla Copas, one of the South’s most acclaimed luxury designers and tastemakers, has created unique and innovative interiors for an array of residential, commercial, and event clients throughout her more than 20-year career. Shayla has been a strong supporter of our organization for many years, and donated her resources, time, and talent generously. We are grateful for her willingness to share her own story of child abuse. This awareness ultimately helps the mission of Children’s Advocacy Centers.

The 2019 Executive Committee will include Event Chairs, Heather McKim and Kerry Moody, Honorary Chair, Arkansas First Lady Susan Hutchinson, Corporate Chair, Jan Zimmerman, Fashion Show Chairs, Sarah Wengel and Michelle DuVall, and Auction Committee Chair, Laura Labay.

To purchase tickets to the 2019 Woman of Inspiration Event, click here.

For sponsorship opportunities, please contact Elizabeth Pulley, Executive Director at epulley@cacarkansas.org or 501-615-8633

For questions regarding the Woman of Inspiration event, please contact arwomanofinspiration@gmail.com

Woman of Inspiration 2018
Shelley McMillion February 28th, 2018 - Children’s Advocacy Centers of Arkansas is pleased to announce that Shelley McMillon will be honored as the 2018 Woman of Inspiration. The honor will be presented at a dinner event to be held at the Statehouse Convention Center on Friday, October 19, 2018. All proceeds will be used to support Children’s Advocacy Centers of Arkansas and their pursuit in implementing more centers across the state and providing funding for the expansion of services offered by existing centers. This annual event honors a woman who has made a contribution to society for the benefit of children and serves as a substantial fundraiser for Children’s Advocacy Centers of Arkansas. Mrs. McMillon is an advocate of children, as evidenced by her many years of philanthropy and association with various children’s causes, including serving as a board member to the Children’s Advocacy Center of Benton County. Shelley is married to Doug McMillon, president and CEO of Wal-Mart Stores Inc. They have been married for 25 years and have two sons currently in college.

Rep DeAnn Vaught The Blue Ribbon Award will also be presented at the Woman of Inspiration event. This award is obtainable to an adult who has been affected by the trauma of abuse and is willing to share his or her experiences in order to bring awareness to the problem of child abuse and neglect. The 2018 Blue Ribbon Award will be presented to Rep. DeAnn Vaught, who represents District 4 in the Arkansas House of Representatives. She serves as chair of the House Management Committee for the 91st General Assembly and she is also a member of the Farm Bureau and Pork Producers. Rep. Vaught and her husband Jon have three children and resides in Horatio. We are grateful for her willingness to share her own story of child abuse. This awareness ultimately helps the mission of Children’s Advocacy Centers.

The 2018 Executive Committee will include Event Chairs, Heather McKim and Charles Redfield, Honorary Chair, Arkansas First Lady Susan Hutchinson, the 2015 Arkansas Woman of Inspiration, Corporate Chair, Tom Kennedy, Fashion Show Chair, Michelle DuVall, Auction Committee Chair, Laura Labay and Design Chair, Tanarah Luxe Floral.

For sponsorship opportunities, please contact Elizabeth Pulley, Executive Director at epulley@cacarkansas.org or 501-615-8633

For questions regarding the Woman of Inspiration event, please contact arwomanofinspiration@gmail.com

Woman of Inspiration 2017 Lisenne Rockefeller June 21, 2017 - Children’s Advocacy Centers of Arkansas is excited to announce that Lisenne Rockefeller will be honored as the 2017 Arkansas Woman of Inspiration. The honor will be presented at a dinner event at Statehouse Convention Center on the evening of Wednesday, September 6, 2017, and all proceeds will be used to support Children’s Advocacy Centers of Arkansas and their pursuit in implementing more centers across the state and providing funding for the expansion of services offered by existing centers. This annual event honors a woman who has made a contribution to society for the benefit of children and serves as a substantial fundraiser for Children’s Advocacy Centers of Arkansas.

At the Woman of Inspiration event, the Blue Ribbon Award will also be presented to an adult who has been affected by the trauma of abuse and is willing to share his or her experiences in order to bring awareness to the problem of child abuse and neglect. The 2017 Blue Ribbon Award will be presented to Garrett Lewis, Chief Meteorologist of KFSM News5 in northwest Arkansas, for his willingness to share his own story of child abuse. This awareness ultimately helps the mission of Children’s Advocacy Centers. The 2017 event will be chaired by Alisha Curtis and Anne Preston. Honorary Chair is Arkansas First Lady Susan Hutchinson, the 2015 Arkansas Woman of Inspiration; and Tom Kennedy, Vice President of Public Affairs for Entergy Arkansas, Inc. is Corporate Chair.

For more information please contact us at arwomanofinspiration@gmail.com

Woman of Inspiration 2016 March 28, 2016 - Children’s Advocacy Centers of Arkansas is excited to announce that Mrs. Johnelle Hunt will be honored as the 2016 Arkansas Woman of Inspiration.Johnelle Hunt The honor will be presented at a luncheon at Statehouse Convention Center on the morning of Thursday, October 13, 2016, and all proceeds will be used to support Children’s Advocacy Centers of Arkansas and their pursuit in implementing more centers across the state and providing funding for the expansion of services offered by existing centers. This annual event honors a woman who has made a contribution to society for the benefit of children and serves as a substantial fundraiser for Children’s Advocacy Centers of Arkansas.

At the Woman of Inspiration event, the Blue Ribbon Award will also be presented to an adult who has been affected by the trauma of abuse and is willing to share his or her experiences in order to bring awareness to the problem of child abuse and neglect. This awareness ultimately helps the mission of Children’s Advocacy Centers. The 2016 event will be chaired by Shayla Copas of Shayla Copas Interiors and Sara Massana of Martin-Wilbourn Partners. Honorary Chair is Arkansas First Lady Susan Hutchinson, the 2015 Arkansas Woman of Inspiration.

Children's Advocacy Centers help children and their families deal with the aftermath of child abuse. A Child Advocacy Center (CAC) is a safe, child friendly environment where law enforcement, child protective services, prosecution, victim advocacy, medical and mental health professionals can share information and develop effective, coordinated strategies sensitive to the needs of each unique case and child.

Johnelle DeBusk Hunt was born in Heber Springs, Arkansas. She met Johnnie B. Hunt when she was a junior in high school and four years later they were married. She attended the University of Central Arkansas in Conway. She and J. B. were married 55 years and blessed with two children as well as seven grandchildren.

In 1962, the J. B. Hunt Company, a rice hull packaging company, opened its doors in Stuttgart, Arkansas. Johnelle worked part-time to help her husband get started in the business. As the company grew, she found herself working more and more - helping with correspondence, financial statements and doing the bookkeeping. Before long she was working full time. In 1969 the couple co-founded J.B. Hunt Transport with five trucks and seven trailers. Its success is a tribute to the Hunts’ entrepreneurial spirit and hard work. J.B. Hunt Transport is one of the largest transportation logistics providers encompassing intermodal, dedicated, truckload, LTL, final mile, refrigerated, flatbed and expedited services. Among her jobs were the position of credit manager and Corporate Secretary which she held until 2008. At her retirement from the Board of Directors of the company in 2008, Johnelle was recognized as being an active and important partner contributing to the company’s development and success.

Mrs. Hunt currently holds a seat on The Harvey and Bernice Jones Eye Institute Advisory Board. She is the founding Chairman of the United Way Alexis de Tocqueville Society for Washington County as well as a founding Executive Board Member of the Ozark Affiliate of Susan G. Komen. In May of 2000, she accepted the position of Campaign Treasurer for the University of Arkansas’ Leadership Team entitled Campaign for the 21st Century, a major fundraising drive that raised over one billion dollars. Following the Campaign for the 21st Century, an Advisory Board was formed of which Mrs. Hunt served on the Executive Committee. She was Co-Chair of the University’s Campaign Arkansas Steering Committee in 2013 and continues to serve on the Campaign. She has served on the Board of Directors for The Beau Foundation benefiting prenatal care in Northwest Arkansas since 2003. She previously served on the UAMS Foundation Board. In 1990, she and Mr. Hunt were chosen as the Arkansas Easter Seal Arkansans of the Year, the first couple to receive this award. In 1992 she was one of four women to receive the Worthen Professional Women of Distinction Award and has been included in “The Top 100 Women” list for Arkansas from 1994-1998. In 1996 the March of Dimes honored the Hunts as Citizens of the Year. In 2001 she and Mr. Hunt were inducted into the Arkansas Business Hall of Fame. Mrs. Hunt received an Honorary Doctor of Humane Letters by the University of Arkansas in 2009. She was honored by the Rogers-Lowell Area Chamber of Commerce where she also received the 2013 Dick Trammel Good Neighbor Award. In 2015, Mrs. Hunt was recognized as a University of Arkansas Chancellor’s Medal recipient and was inducted into the Arkansas Women’s Hall of Fame.

Since the passing of her husband in December of 2006, Mrs. Hunt has taken a very active role in projects developed and managed by her company, Hunt Ventures. The group is primarily responsible for the conception and development of the more than 700 acre project in western Rogers known as Pinnacle Hills. The development features over 1.4 million square feet of retail/restaurants and nearly 1.2 million square feet of Class A office space including the recently completed 10 story Hunt Tower. Johnelle is also actively involved with many other ongoing projects and companies started by Mr. Hunt including BioBased Technologies, Northwest Arkansas Quarries, Haskell (Oklahoma) Sand and Gravel, Central Mortar and Grout (Muskogee, Oklahoma) and a rock quarry project in Honduras, Central America. Other developments she is associated with include Village on the Creeks and Pinnacle Hills Promenade. She has also developed and constructed Northwest Arkansas’ newest cemetery, Pinnacle Memorial Gardens, along with the accompanying 3000 square foot Hunt Chapel.

Woman of Inspiration August 3, 2015 - Children's Advocacy Centers of Arkansas is excited to announce that First Lady Susan Hutchinson will be honored as the 2015 "Arkansas Woman of Inspiration."
Susan Hutchinson
Courtesy of Inviting Arkansas Magazine / Photography by Meredith Melody
The honor will be presented at a luncheon at the Little Rock Marriott Hotel Ballroom on the morning of October 23rd, 2015 and all proceeds will be used to support Children's Advocacy Centers of Arkansas and their pursuit in implementing more centers and to provide funding for existing centers across our state. This inaugu...ral event will continue on yearly with a new honoree each year and will serve as a substantial fundraiser for Children's Advocacy Centers of Arkansas.

At the Woman of Inspiration event, an award will also be presented to an adult who has overcome the trauma of abuse to help the mission of Children's Advocacy Centers. The 2015 event will be chaired by Shayla Copas of Shayla Copas Interiors and Sara Massana of Martin-Wilbourn Partners.

Children's advocacy centers help children and their families deal with the aftermath of child abuse. A child advocacy center is a safe, child friendly environment where law enforcement, child protective services, prosecution, victim advocacy, medical and mental health professionals can share information and develop effective, coordinated strategies sensitive to the needs of each unique case and child.

First Lady Susan Hutchinson brings to the Governor's Mansion a lifetime of experience advocating for and working with children.

The former schoolteacher has spent the past several years on the board of the Children's Advocacy Center of Benton County -one of 14 non-profit Children's Advocacy Centers around the state that work with abused children. Among other initiatives, Mrs. Hutchinson hopes to see the establishment of more Children's Advocacy Centers in Arkansas, perhaps one per county.

A native of Atlanta, Georgia, Susan grew up "as blue-collar as you can get" as the second of seven children. She was the valedictorian of Fulton High School with designs on being a doctor once she attended college at Bob Jones University in South Carolina. Instead, after graduation she taught biology and algebra in Memphis, where she maintained a relationship with an ambitious Arkansas man she met in college named Asa Hutchinson.

The Governor and First Lady have now been married for 41 years. They have four children, five grandchildren and a 5-year-old rescue cat named Snowflake.