The purpose of the not-for-profit Children’s Advocacy Centers of Arkansas (CACar) is to promote, assist, and support the development, growth, and continuation of CACs in the State of Arkansas so that every child victim has access to the services of a CAC.
All services provided by the membership of Children’s Advocacy Centers of Arkansas are provided at no cost to child victims of abuse or their families.
Advocacy Services
Victim support and advocacy are made available as part of the team response, either at the CAC or through coordination with other providers, throughout the investigation and subsequent legal proceedings.
Forensic Interviews
Forensic Interviews at CACs are conducted in a manner that is legally sound. The interviews are of a neutral fact-finding nature and are coordinated to avoid duplicative interviewing.
Medical Exams
Specialized medical evaluation and treatment are made available to CAC clients as part of the team response, either at the CAC or through coordination and referral with other specialized medical providers.
Specialized mental health services are made available as part of the team response either at the CAC or through coordination and referral with other appropriate treatment providers.

June 5th, 2024 - Children’s Advocacy Centers of Arkansas’ (CACar) 2024 Inspiration Gala, once known as the Woman of Inspiration event, will take place on October 10, 2024, at the Statehouse Convention Center in Little Rock.
The 2024 Inspiration Gala honorees are Arkansas Attorney General Tim Griffin and his wife, Elizabeth Griffin.